Duck Face

Feeling under the weather today, so have been confined to doodling in bed. Experimenting with this style at the moment.

Rather Rubbish Monsters

Behold the swamp critter! I've created what I hope will be the first in a series of sculpts, based around the theme of 'Rather Rubbish Monsters'. I've always loved the old school puppets created by Ray Harryhausen and decided to create my own with a 1950's B-movie twist. The puppet was created using an articulated wire armature held together with Milliput and balsa for support. Polymorph is used to create tie down recesses in the feet. It was skinned using Newplast Plasticine. 

Ride Forever

Hung out in a nifty bike café called Velocity whilst in Inverness recently and was admiring the cycling themed prints they display. Decided to have a crack my self and came up with a couple of designs, customised in a few colours.

Dartmouth Poster (Updated)

Recently my brother graduated as a Royal Navy Officer and I was lucky enough to attend his passing out ceremony in Dartmouth. As a memento of his time spent training at the college I wanted to create for him a poster, displaying the main college building. The 'British Royal Naval College' was designed by architect Aston Webb who also designed the façade of Buckingham Palace, so this was a really interesting subject to study. My brother has always been a fan of the travel posters from the 1950's, so I've used those styles as a template. To achieve it, I focused first on using block colour and shadow to give it definition. The first attempts resembled something a lot simpler and stripped back, but the detailed nature of the building meant that it lost something of it's grandiose qualities. More layers and colour where added to produce the final piece. I'm currently waiting to print at A2 and will post a photograph of the result.

Update, All framed and ready to go. Frame is a tad too large but all I had to hand.